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May 24, 2019

A chronology of the space age. From Einstein's revolutionary new physics to the space race for the Moon to the discovery of the mysterious phenomena of quasars... let's find out about the space age that paved the way for our modern advancements in science, technology, and hope for a brighter future...

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May 5, 2019

Like many things in the solar system, Mercury has been observed by humans for thousands of years. It has a connection to our collective psyche (even if it's only what we have projected onto it), and a history of eluding those that try to understand it.

It is the smallest and innermost planet in the Solar System, bearing...

May 1, 2019

This is an experiment. I'm testing out what causes an ASMR in me. Let's find out if it works for you too. Thanks for watching.

May 1, 2019

Nietzsche is profound and powerfully insightful, psychologically. He wrote many uniquely stylized books that expounded upon a deep historical and philological (study of languages and their texts) understanding of our ancient and even prehistoric behavior, beliefs, and how these have shaped our "modern" attitudes...

May 1, 2019

These books are some of the most widely known, read, and listened to by children since the 1960's. And it's no surprise. Their stories are powerful. The imagination is a powerful thing, and timeless children's books like these are a testament to brilliant capturing of it in word and art. I hope you, the kids, or the...